Privacy Policy

General Data Protection Regulations rights

The legal right to access information about yourself is covered by the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR 2016). GDPR protects the personal data that is processed for activities and transactions that occur within the European Union (EU).

The GDPR gives individuals the right to request and in most cases to be given, a copy of the information which GDi holds about them. This is called a subject access request, (SAR).

Please note that the Regulations only entitles an individual to see, or be given a copy of, their own information. You are not entitled to see someone else’s information unless they have given their permission for you to do so. Likewise, someone else cannot ask for your information unless you have given permission for them to do so. This applies to spouses, relatives, friends etc.

If you want to see, or be given, a copy of information that GDi holds about you, you will need to make your request using our SAR request form. Your request must include enough information about yourself and the information that you are seeking to enable GDi to identify you and your information, and you must provide proof of identity.

To submit a request, please complete and return our subject access request form. You can put in a request:

by downloading, completing, printing and sending us a paper version of the subject access request form OR
by sending us an electronic copy of the completed form by email.
For further information about access enquiries please contact or telephone +385-1-366-7666

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