A1 Croatia Success Story – Improving Business Agility of a Multi-Play Service Provider through Digital BSS/OSS Transformation


A1 Croatia’s implementation of GDi Ensemble for OSS provided complete E2E solution from planning, ordering, dispatching, storing, and collecting of necessary physical and logical resources all tightly connected with GIS.


About A1 Croatia

A1 Croatia is part of A1 Telekom Austria Group – the leading provider of digital services and communication solutions in Central and Eastern Europe. A1 Telekom Austria Group operates in seven countries and together we provide services for approximately 24 million customers. A1 Croatia is also proud of our figures – they employ about 2000 people who take care of the needs of 2 million customers on an everyday basis.



Objective of the OSS transformation at A1 Croatia was to gain operational benefits and improve agility of customer and service order orchestration by transforming end-to-end fulfilment, assurance, service and resource management processes. Also including the implementation of systems integrations to achieve superb organizational performance. The new BSS/OSS IT systems landscape was implemented to rapidly adapt to changing market needs and gain competitive advantage with faster time-to-provision of multi-play services running on the multi-technology network.


A1 workforce manager


Following the acquisition of several service providers the OSS transformation was the driving force behind aligning personnel, optimizing processes, integrating data, and consolidating systems. The OSS transformation set the position to successfully compete with the incumbent operator and rest of the market and further grow the fixed-line business. The fixed-line OSS is now used by hundreds of users on a daily basis including back-office, points of sale, field technicians and subcontractors.

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